Thursday, January 10, 2019

Steel Calculation reference for estimates

Steel Calculation reference for different RCC items:

RCC item
Weight (kg/m3)
Plinth beam
Roof/Floor beam
Roof slab
Chajja facia
Floor slab
Retaining wall

Procedure for renumbering of beams and columns in STAAD

Procedure for renumbering of Beams
  1. Select all beams of one floor level of structure
  2. Take it to new view by right click and selecting new view
  3. Select beams parallel to X
  4. Go to geometry then renumber and then members
  5. Press yes to the window that asks for confirmation
  6. Give first number from where you want to start your numbering of beams
  7. Select available Sort criteria in following sequence
Z coordinate
X coordinate
  1. Click accept
  2. You have done it for beams in X direction
For beams in Z direction
  1. Select beams parallel to Z
  2. Follow steps from 4 to 6
  3. Select available Sort criteria in following sequence
X coordinate
Z coordinate (Descending it can be done by double click selected Z criteria)
  1. You have done it for one floor level
Repeat the same procedure for other floors
Procedure for renumbering of Nodes
  • Select all nodes of structure
  • Go to geometry and renumber and then node
  • Press yes to the window that asks for confirmation
  • Give first number from where you want to start your numbering of nodes
  • Select available sort criteria in following sequence
Y coordinate
Z coordinate
X coordinate
  • Click accept
  • You have done it
  • If you want numbers in vertical sequence interchange x and z coordinate

Procedure for renumbering of Columns
  • Select all columns of structure
  • Go to geometry and renumber and then members
  • Press yes to the window that asks for confirmation
  • Give first number from where you want to start your numbering of Columns
  • Select available sort criteria in following sequence
Z coordinate
X coordinate
Y coordinate
  • Click accept
  • You have done it
  • If you want numbers in vertical sequence interchange x and z coordinate

Pile Design IS Codal Provisions


The pile code consists of four parts. They are Part 1:Concrete piles Part 2: Timber Piles Part 3: Under reamed Piles Part 4: Load test on Piles. Out of these Part 1 consists of four section. Among these, Section 1: Driven cast in situ concrete piles. Section 2: Bored cast in situ concrete Piles and Section 3: Driven precast concrete Piles are revised in 2010. Some of the important changes in the code are highlighted as follows:

  1. Definitions of various terms have been modified as per the prevailing engineering practice.
  2. Minimum grade of concrete to be used in pile foundations has been revised to M 25.
  3. Design parameters with respect to adhesion factor, earth pressure coefficient, modulus of subgrade reaction, etc, have been revised to make them consistence
with the outcome of modern research and construction practices.
  1. Minimum dia of bored cat in situ pile have been changed as 450mm based on following parameters:
Clear cover over reinforcement Cl.6.11.4 50 x2 = 100mm Dia of vertical bar minimum Cl. 6.11.4 12 x 2 = 24 mm Helical reinforcement minimum dia cl. 6.11.4 8 x2 = 16 mm
Clearance for operation of Tremie Cl.6.11.4 4 x20 = 80 mm
Dia of Tremie pipe minimum Cl.8.4 (c) = 200 mm
Total dia of pile required = 420 mm say 450mm
  1. Provisions for special use of large diameter bored cast in-situ reinforced cement concrete piles in marine structures have been added.
  2. Procedures for calculation of bearing capacity, structural capacity, factor of safety, lateral load capacity, overloading, etc, have also been modified to bring
them at par with the present practices.
  1. Minimum time of curing before handling of precast piles has been modified.
  2. Provision has been made for use of any established dynamic pile driving formulae, instead of recommending any specific formula, to control the pile driving at site, giving due consideration to limitations of various formulae.

Selection of pile foundation:

  1. For Poor bearing soils such as Soft clay, Medium Clay or any clay etc. under reamed pile foundation with pile cap and grade beam or Bored cast insitu Pile foundation with pile cap may be adopted.
  2. For clay soil with G+2F, G+3F, silt+3floors loads, under reamed piles with

pile caps connected with grade beams is best suited.

Design of Cantilever retaining wall - Software

  Link -  Cantilever retaining wall design