Thursday, September 26, 2019

Airport 50 Questions with Answers

                                                     Airport 50 Questions with Answers

            1. The length of runway is increased per 300 m rise above MSL                  
A.      3%
B.      4%
C.      7%
D.      6%
Answer: Option C
                    2. According to I.C.A.O  recommendations  all markings on runway are painted  
A.      White
B.      Blue
C.      Black
D.      Yellow
Answer: Option A
             3. According to I.C.A.O  recommendations  all markings on taxiways are painted  
A.      White
B.      Blue
C.      Black
D.      Yellow
Answer: Option D
            4. The best direction of runway is  
A.      Along the direction of the longest line on wind rose diagram
B.      Along the direction perpendicular to the largest line of windrose diagram
C.      Along  30 0  to the direction of the longest line on wind rose diagram
D.      Along  NW-SE line
Answer: Option A
5. Runway lights are usually spaced at not more than  
A.      60 m
B.      150m
C.      200m
D.      250m
Answer: Option A
           6. Taxiway lighting colour is  
A.      Blue
B.      Green
C.      Red
D.      White
Answer: Option A
          7. If L is the basic length of runway , the total length of the landing strip will be
A.       L
B.      1.2Ll
C.      L+50 m
D.      L+ 120  m
Answer: Option D
          8. Consider the corrections to be applied to the basic length of runway  
1)       Elevation correction
2)       Gradient correction
3)       Temperature correction
A.      1,2,3
B.      1 ,3,2
C.      3,1,2
D.      2,3,1
Answer: Option B
         9. Total  correction percentage for altitude and temperature , in calculating the runway length from basic runway length , should not exceed  
A.      7
B.      14
C.      28
D.      35
Answer: Option D
          10. The landing and takeoff area of heliports are marked with 
A.      Letter H
B.      Letter P
C.      Number 3
D.      None of the above

Answer: Option A

        11. The boundary  of  the landing and takeoff area of heliports are illuminated by 
A.      Amber light
B.      Green light
C.      White light
D.      Blue light

Answer: Option D

        12. Gate  
A.      is aircraft parking space adjacent to a terminal building
B.      Is an exit taxiway
C.      Is provided at the intersection of two or more traffic ways
D.      None of these
Answer: Option A
      13. Holding apron are also known as   
A.      Warm –up pads
B.      Run –up pads
C.      Both A & B
D.      None of the above

Answer: Option C

        14. The approximate height of .water for a given fetch (F) is       
A.      F
C.      0.34F
D.      0.25F
Answer: Option C
         15. The foundation of locks are generally made of          
A.      Friction piles
B.      Sheet piles
C.      Bearing piles
D.      Bearing piles protected by sheet piles.

Answer: Option C

            16. Platforms built for ship to come close to the shore are known as        
A.      Wharves
B.      Locks
C.      Ports
D.      None of the above
Answer: Option A
        17. In an estuary the maximum distance between buoys is         
A.      150 m
B.      500 m
C.      11000m
D.      1600 m

Answer: Option D
       18. The lock gates are always in           
A.      Single number
B.      Pair
C.      Quadruple
D.      Dozen

Answer: Option B

           19. The lock gates are  made of            
A.      Timber
B.      Steel
C.      Cast iron
D.      Both A & B
Answer: Option D
           20. Dock fenders may be made of        
A.      Wood
B.      Rubber
C.      All of the above
D.      None of the above
Answer: Option C
          21. The mooring accessories are          
A.      Bollard
B.      Cleat
C.      Capstan
D.      All of the above
Answer: Option D
          22. A ‘dock’ parallel to the shore is called    
A.      Jetty
B.      Mole
C.      Quay
D.      Catwalk
Answer: Option C
            23. The sea remains covered with streaking foam when the nature of wind is       
A.      Gale
B.      Calm
C.      Hurricane
D.      Moderate
Answer: Option C
             24. The water waves may be of type of              
A.      Wave of oscillation
B.      Wave of translation
C.      Both of the above
D.      None of the above

Answer: Option C

            25. The handling  of cargo on the ports is done by           
A.      Fork lift trucks
B.      Roller conveyors
C.      Derricks
D.      All of the above

Answer: Option D

          26. Digging capacity of dredgers is normal up to             
A.      100 m under water
B.      20m under water
C.      200m under water
D.      5 m under water

Answer: Option B

        27. A harbor protected on sides headlands and requiring protection at the entrance only is known as
A.      natural harbor
B.      semi natural harbor
C.      artificial harbor
D.      natural roadstead
Answer: Option B
          28. Wind rose is
A.      The mean wind direction between extreme ends of an airport
B.      The wind velocity at the center of runway
C.      The wind data of an airport depicted in the form of a chart
D.      A piped flag indicating wind direction to the pilot

Answer: Option C

              29. The  tidal range is maximum  in India at     
A.      Bombay
B.      Madras
C.      Paradeep
D.      Bhavnagar

Answer: Option D

            30. The problem of water level difference in reaching the dock is overcommed by      
A.      Lock
B.      Weir
C.      Orifice
D.      Mouth piece

Answer: Option A

31. As per ICAO, the minimum basic runway length for A and E type of airport

         will be

          a)  1500 m and 600 m                   b) 2100 m and 750 m

          c)  1500 m and 750 m                     d) 2100 m and 600 m
Answer: Option D
32. Zero fuel weight of an aircraft is:

a)      equal to empty operating weight

b)      equal to maximum landing weight

c)      less than empty operating weight

d)      equal to sum of empty operating weight and the maximum pay load.

Answer: Option D
33. As per ICAO, for airports serving big aircrafts, the crosswind component

           should not exceed

          a)  15 kmph         b)  25 kmph c)  35 kmph    d)  45 kmph
 Answer: Option C
34. For supersonic transport aircraft, the minimum turning radius of taxiway is

        a)  60 m  b)  120 m        c)  180 m        d)  240 m
Answer: Option C
35. Which of the following is an example of failure in flexible pavements ?

       a)  Alligator cracking                       b) Mud pumping

        c)  Warping cracks                           d) Shrinkage cracks
Answer: Option A
36. Which of the following is used for servicing and repairs of the aircraft ?

    a)  Apron                                            b) Hanger

     c)  Terminal building                          d) holding apron
Answer: Option B
37. Maximum gross take-off weight of an aircraft is

a)      equal   to   the   maximum  structural landing weight

b)      less  than  the  maximum   structural landing weight

c)      more than the maximum  structural landing weight

d)      equal to the empty operating weight plus the payload
Answer: Option C
38. The length of clear zone for none instrument runway of a small aircraft is

a)  150 m      b) 300 m          c) 600 m          d) 750 m

Answer: Option B
39. An airport has 4 gates. If the weighted average gate occupancy time is 30

        minutes and gate utilisation factor is 0.5, then the capacity of the gate will be

            a)  1 aircraft per hour                 b) 2 aircrafts per hour

c)  4 aircrafts per hour               d) 16 aircrafts per hour

Answer: Option C
40. The engine failure case for determining the basic runway length may require

           a) only clearway                      b) only stop way

c) either a clearway or a stopway      d)either a clearway or a stopway or both

Answer: Option D
41. For a Broad Gauge route with M+7 sleeper density, number of sleepers per rail

        length is

a)       18        b)         19        c)         20        d)         21

Answer: Option C
42. Standard size of wooden sleeper for Broad Gauge track is

    a)275x25x13cm                            b)180x20x11.5 cm

      c)225x23x13 cm                          d)250x26x12 cm
Answer: Option A
43. Composite sleeper index is the index of

   a) hardness and strength                        b) strength and toughness

      c)   toughness and wear resistance            d)         wear resistance and hardness
Answer: Option A
44. Number of dog spikes normally used per rail seat on curved track is

   a) one on either side                          b)    two outside and one inside

      c) one outside and two inside           d)     two outside and two inside
Answer: Option B
45. Dog spikes are used for fixing rail to the

   a) wooden sleepers                            b)    CST-9 sleepers

     c)    steel trough sleepers           d)  concrete sleepers
Answer: Option A
46. Which of the following types of sleepers is preferred on joints?

a)    CST-9 sleeper                              b)    steel trough sleeper

c)        wooden sleeper                            d)concrete sleeper

Answer: Option C
47. The side slope of embankments for a railway track is generally taken as

a)            1:1       b)         1.5:1    c)         2:1       d)         1:2

Answer: Option C
48. The slipping of driving wheels of locomotives on the rail surface causes

 a)  wheel burns                                b)    hogging of rails

     c) scabbing of rails                   d)   corrugation of rails

Answer: Option A
49. The formation width for a single line meter gauge track in embankment as

adopted on Indian Railways is

   a)   4.27 m        b)     4.88 m     c)     5.49 m    d)      6.10 m

Answer: Option B

50. Anti creep bearing plates are provided on

  a)  bridges and approaches                b)    joints

   c)   both (a) and (b)                     d)  none of the above

Answer: Option D
Download Link Airport 50 Questions with Answers


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