Thursday, September 26, 2019

Building Materials 100 Questions with Answers

                                 Building Materials 100 Questions with Answers

1.      If  ‘p’ is the standard consistency of cement, the amount of water used in conducting the initial setting time test on cement is
A. 0.65 p                                       B. 0.85p
     C. 0.6p                                            D. 0.8p

     Answer: Option B

2.      For complete hydration of cement the water cement ratio needed is

A.    Less than 0.25
B.      More than 0.25 but less than 0.35
C.    More than 0.35 but less than 0.45
D.     More than o.45 but less than 0.60

     Answer: Option C

3.      Gypsum is used as an admixture in cement grouts for

A.    Accelerating the setting time
B.      Retarding the setting time
C.    Increasing the plasticity
D.     Reducing the grout shrinkage

     Answer: Option B

4.      The temperature range in a cement kiln is

A.    5000 to 10000C
B.      10000 to 12000C
C.    13000 to 15000C
D.     16000 to 20000C

   Answer: Option C

5.      The role of super plasticizer in a cement paste is to

A.    Disperse the particles
B.      Disperse the particles and to remove air bubbles
C.    Disperse the particles, remove air bubbles and to retard setting

    Answer: Option C

6.       Increase in fineness of cement

A.     Reduces the rate of strength development and leads to higher shrinkage
B.      Increases the rate of strength development and reduces the rate of deterioration
C.     Decreases the rate of strength development and increases and bleeding of cement
D.     Increases the rate of strength development and leads to higher shrinkage

     Answer: Option D

7.      The fineness of cement is tested by

A.    Air-content method
B.      Air-permeability method
C.    Le-Chatelier method
D.     Vicat’s apparatus

      Answer: Option B

8.      For marine works, the best suited cement is

A.    Low heat Portland cement
B.      Rapid hardening cement
C.    Ordinary Portland cement
D.     Blast furnace slag cement

       Answer: Option D

9.      Four main-oxides present in ordinary Portland cement are: CaO, Al2O3, SiO2, and Fe2O3.Identifty the correct ascending order of their proportions in a typical composition of OPC.

A.    Al2O3, Fe2O3, CaO, SiO2
B.      Al2O3, CaO, Fe2O3, SiO2
C.    Fe2O3, Al2O3, SiO2, CaO
D.     Fe2O3, SiO2, Al2O3, CaO

       Answer: Option C

10.   The proper size of mould for testing compressive strength of cement is

A.    7.05 cm cube
B.      10.05 cm cube
C.    15 cm cube
D.     12.05 cm cube

        Answer: Option A

11.   The specific gravity of commonly available ordinary Portland cement is

   A. 4.92                                B. 3.15
  C. 2.05                               D. 1.83

  Answer: Option B

12.   A quick-setting cement has an initial setting time of about

A.    50 minutes
B.      40 minutes
C.    15 minutes
D.     5 minutes

     Answer: Option D

13.   As per specifications, the initial setting time of ordinary Portland cement should not be less than

     A. 10 minutes                   B. 20 minutes
     C. 30 minutes            D. 60 minutes

     Answer: Option C

14.   In cement generally the increase in strength during a period of 14 days to 28 days is primarily due to

      A. C3A                 B. C2S
     C. C3S              D. C4AF

     Answer: Option C

15.  Ultimate strength of cement is  influenced by which one of the following?

A.    Tricalcium silicate
B.      Dicalcium silicate
C.    Tricalcium aluminate
D.     Tetracalcium alumino-ferrite

    Answer: Option B

16.   If ‘W’ is the percentage of water required for normal consistency of cement, water to be added for determination of initial setting time is

       A. 0.50 W                         B. 0.62 W
      C. 0.75 W                  D. 0.85 W

      Answer: Option C

17.   The initial setting time of cement depends most on

A.    Tri-calcium aluminate
B.      Tri-calcium silicate
C.    Tri-calcium alumino-ferrite
D.     Di-calcium silicate

     Answer: Option A

18.   Gypsum is added into the raw materials during manufacture of cement so that final product exhibits

A.    Regarded initial setting time
B.      Improved modulability for cornices, etc.
C.    Increased compressive strength
D.     Augmented bond strength

    Answer: Option A

19.   Soundness test of cement is carried out of determine its

A.    Alumina content
B.      Iron oxide content
C.    Free time content
D.     Durability under sea water

      Answer: Option C

20.   Which compound of cement is responsible for strength of cement?

A.    Magnesium oxide
B.      Silica
C.    Alumina
D.     Calcium sulphate

      Answer: Option B

21.   Which type of cement is recommended in large mass concrete works such as a dam?

A.    Ordinary Portland
B.      High alumina
C.    Low-heat Portland
D.     Portland pozzolana

       Answer: Option C

22.   One bag of Portland cement, 50 kg in weight, would normally have a bulk volume of

     A. 30 l                    B. 35 l
    C. 40 l               D. 45 l

     Answer: Option B

23.   The constituent compound in Portland cement which reacts immediately with water, and also sets earliest, is

A.    Tricalcium silicate
B.      Dicalcium silicate
C.    Tricalcium aluminate
D.     Tetrecalcium aluminoferrite

       Answer: Option C

24.   The maximum bulking of sand is likely to occur at a moisture content of

       A.5%                    B. 8%
       C. 11%           D. 14%

       Answer: Option A

25.   Guniting is the application of mortar

A.    On a surface under pneumatic pressure
B.      On a vertical surface
C.    On brickwork by manual method
D.     Of fluid consistency for repair works

     Answer: Option A

26.   Which of the following is the correct range of fineness modulus sand usable in preparing cement mortar?

A.    1.5 to 2.2
B.      2.6 to 2.9
C.    2.9 to 3.2
D.     5.5 to 6.5

        Answer: Option B

27.   Lime mortar is generally made with

       A. Quick lime                 B. Fat time
       C. Hydraulic lime        D. White time

       Answer: Option C

28.   The split tensile of M 15 grade concrete when expressed as expressed as percentage of its compressive strength is

A.    10 to 15%
B.      15 to 20%
C.    20 to 2%
D.     25 to 30%

      Answer: Option B

29.   The approximate ratio between the strengths of cement concrete at 7 days and at 28 days is

      A. 3/4                               B. 2/3
     C. 1/2                       D. 1/3
     Answer: Option B

30.  The approximate ratio of strength of 15 cm x 30cm concrete cylinder to that of 15 cm cube of the same concrete is

     A. 1.25                   B. 1.00
     C. 0.85             D. 0.50

      Answer: Option C

31.   The modulus of elasticity (E) of concrete is given by

A.    E =1000 fck
B.      E =5700√fck
C.    E =5500√fck
D.     E =10,000√fck

    Answer: Option B

32.   The optimum number of revolution over which concrete is required to be mixed in a mixer machine is

     A. 10                      B. 20
    C. 50                 D. 100

    Answer: Option B

33.   A splitting tensile test is performed on cylinder of diameter D and length L if the ultimate load is p, then splitting tensile strength of concrete is given by

      A. P/Ï€DL                          B. 2P/Ï€DL
     C. 4PL/Ï€D3                      D. 4PD/Ï€L3
     Answer: Option B

34.   As per IS code of practice, concrete should be cured at

       A.50 C                    B. 100 C
      C.270 C            D. 400 C

     Answer: Option C

35.   While testing the compressive strength of cement concrete, the correct standard conditions to be maintained as per IS are

A.    27±30C, 28 days, 90% and 15 cm3
B.      26±20C, 21 days, 80% and 15 cm3
C.    25±10C, 14 days, 75% and 15 cm3
D.     27±30C, 7 days, 70% and 10 cm3   

   Answer: Option A

36.   The ratio of direct tensile strength to that of modulus of rupture of concrete is

     A. 0.25        B. 0.5
    C. 0.75             D. 1.0

   Answer: Option B

37.   What is the minimum value of individual test results (in N/mm2) for compressive strength compliance requirement for concrete M20 as per codal provision?

     A. fck- 1                              B. fck- 3
C. fck- 4                               D. fck- 5

   Answer: Option C

38.  Which of the following tests compares the dynamic modulus of elasticity of samples of concrete?

A.    Compression test
B.      Ultrasonic pulse velocity test
C.    Split test
D.     Tension test  

     Answer: Option B

39.   According to the Indian Standard specifications, concrete should be cured under a humidity of concrete should be cured under a humidity of

       A. 90%                 B. 80%
      C. 70%           D. 60%

      Answer: Option A

40.   If one intends to obtain the best workability of concrete,the preferred shape of aggregate is

    A. Round                           B. Angular
   C. Triangular                D. Flinty

   Answer: Option A

41.   A good brick should not absorb water by weight more than

A. 10%                       B. 20%
C. 25%                           D. 30%

Answer: Option B

42.   For one cubic meter of brick masonry, the number of modular brick needed is

A.    400 or less
B.      400 to 450
C.    500 to 550
D.     600 to 650

     Answer: Option C

43.   The crushing strength of a good building stone should be at least

      A. 50 MPa                     B. 100 MPa
      C. 150 MPa                          D. 200 MPa

       Answer: Option B

44.   The slenderness ratio for masonry walls should NOT be more than

     A. 50               B. 40
    C. 30            D. 20

     Answer: Option C

45.   The most important purpose of frong in a brick is to

A.    Emboss manufacturer’s name
B.      Reduce the weight of brick
C.    From keyed joint between brick and mortar
D.     Improve insulation by providing ‘hollows’

        Answer: Option C

46.   Brick are burnt at a temperature range of

A.    5000 to 7000 C
B.      7000 to 9000 C
C.    9000 to 12000 C
D.     12000 to 15000 C

      Answer: Option C

47.   A king closer is a

A.    Full brick
B.      3/4 brick
C.    Longitudinally 1/2 brick
D.     Crosswise 1/2 brick

     Answer: Option B

48.   Brick masonry walls and columns of a building are to be protected from earthquake. The earthquake proofing is done by providing

A.    Cross walls
B.      Less openings
C.    Under-reamed piles
D.     A steel band at corners above windows below ceiling

        Answer: Option D

49.   When the corner of a brick is removed along the line joining midpoints of adjoining sides, the portion left is called

A.    Closer
B.      Squint brick
C.    Queen closer
D.     King closer

      Answer: Option B

50.   The bricks which are extensively used for basic refractories in furnaces are

A.    Chrome bricks
B.      Sillimanite bricks
C.    Magnesite bricks
D.     Fosterite bricks

      Answer: Option C

51.   Refractory bricks resist

A.    High temperature
B.      Chemical action
C.    Dampness
D.     All of the above

     Answer: Option D

52.   The standard size of a brick is

A.    20 cm x 10 cm x 10 cm
B.      19 cm x 9 cm x 9 cm
C.    18 cm x 9 cm x 9 cm
D.     18 cm x 10 cm x 10 cm

     Answer: Option C

53.   As per IS classification, the minimum compressive strength of a first class brick should be

A.    75 kg/cm2
B.      100 kg/cm2
C.    125 kg/cm2
D.     150 kg/cm2

     Answer: Option B

54.   The compressive strength of heavy-duty bricks, as per IS: 2980-1962, should be not less than

A.    440 kg/cm2
B.      175 kg/cm2
C.    100 kg/cm2
D.     75 kg/cm2

    Answer: Option A

55.   Efflorescence of bricks is due to

A.    Excessive burning of bricks
B.      High silt content in brick clay
C.    High porosity of bricks
D.     Soluble salts present in parent clay

     Answer: Option D

56.   According to the relevant IS code, the weight of the timber is to reckoned at a moisture content of

     A. Zero                  B. 4%
    C. 8%               D. 12%

    Answer: Option D

57.   The strength of timber is maximum when load applied is

A.    Parallel to grain
B.      Perpendicular to grain
C.    Inclined at 450 to grain
D.     Inclined at 600 to grain

     Answer: Option A

58.   Seasoning of timber is required to

A.    Soften the timber
B.      Harden the timber
C.    Straighten the timber
D.     Remove sap from the timber

             Answer: Option D

59.   The modulus of elasticity of timber is about

A.    0.5 to 1.0 x 104 N/mm2
B.      1.0 to 1.5 x 104 N/mm2
C.    1.5 to 2.0 x 104 N/mm2
D.     2.0 to 2.5 x 104 N/mm2

      Answer: Option A

60.   During the conversion of timber by sawing, in order to obtain strong timber pieces, the cuts should be made by

A.    Ordinary sawing
B.      Tangential sawing
C.    Quarter sawing
D.     Radial sawing

     Answer: Option D

61.   The moisture content in structural timber should be

A.    Less than 5%
B.      5 to 10%
C.    10 to 20%
D.     15 to 25%

    Answer: Option C

62.   Radius splits in timber originating from ‘bark’ and narrowing towards the ‘pith’ are known as

A.    Heart shakes
B.      Star shakes
C.    Cup shakes
D.     Knots

  Answer: Option B

63.   The moisture content in a properly seasoned timber will be in the range of

A.    5% to 8%
B.      8% to 10%
C.    10% to 12%
D.     12% to 15%

   Answer: Option C

64.   The compressive strength in structural timber is minimum in a direction

A.    Parallel to the grains
B.      Perpendicular to the grains
C.    Along an axis inclined at 450 to the grains
D.     Along an axis inclined at 600 to the grains

      Answer: Option B

65.   Timber can be made reasonably fire-resistant by

A.    Soaking it in ammonium sulphate
B.      Coating with tar paint
C.    Pumping creosote oil into timber under high pressure
D.     Seasoning process

   Answer: Option A

66.   The maximum deflection in timber beams or joints should not be greater than

A.    Span/300
B.      Span/320
C.    Span/360
D.     Span/380

    Answer: Option C

67.   Dry rot in timber is caused by

A.    Lack of ventilation
B.      Lack of light
C.    Immersion in water
D.     Alternate wet and dry atmosphere

   Answer: Option A

68.   Wood is impregnated with creosote oil in order to

A.    Change its colour
B.      Protect against fungi
C.    Protect the annular layers
D.     Fill up the pores

     Answer: Option B

69.   What is the ratio of the elastic modulus of structural timber in longitudinal direction to that in the transverse direction?

        A. 1/2 to 1                                  B. 1/10 to 1/20
       C. 1 to 2                                 D. 10 to 20

      Answer: Option D

70.   What is the treatment for making timber fire resistant?

A.    ASCU treatment
B.      Abel’s process
C.    Creosoting
D.     Tarring

    Answer: Option B

71.   The advantage in using plywood is that the

A.    Tensile strength is equal in all direction
B.      Higher tensile strength in longer direction
C.    Higher tensile strength in shorter direction
D.     Lower tensile strength in longer direction

       Answer: Option A

72.   The age of a log of timber can be estimated by

A.    Diameter of pith
B.      Thickness of bark
C.    Number of annular rings
D.     Number of medullary rays

    Answer: Option C

73.   Bureau of Indian Standard classifies bitumen into grades 65/25, 85/40 etc. The first and second number respectively refer to

A.    Softening point and penetration
B.      Penetration and softening point
C.    Flash point and penetration
D.     Flash point and softening point

        Answer: Option A

74.   Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is a

A.    Thermosetting materials
B.      Thermoplastic materials
C.    Elasto-plastic materials
D.     Rigid plastic materials

        Answer: Option B

75.   Which one of the following types of steel is used in the manufacture of rails?

A.    Mild steel
B.      Manganese steel
C.    Cast steel
D.     Bessemer steel

        Answer: Option B

76.   The carbon content of structural steel is

A.    Less than 0.1%
B.      0.10 to 0.25%
C.    0.25 to 0.60%
D.     0.65 to 1.00%

       Answer: Option B

77.   In paints, linseed oil is used as

A.    A thinner
B.      A drier
C.    A vehicle
D.     A water-proofing base

       Answer: Option C

78.   An arrangement for temporarily supporting a structure from beneath for safety, is known as

A.    Jacking
B.      Underpinning
C.    Supporting
D.     Hauling

      Answer: Option B

79.   In building construction, the place for providing damp-proof course is at the

A.    Basement level
B.      Window sill level
C.    Lintel level
D.     Roof level

        Answer: Option A

80.  Rise in a flight should not exceed---numbers

A.    10
B.      11
C.    12
D.     13

        Answer: Option C

81.  A vertical member placed at the ends of flight connecting the handrail is termed as

A.    Winder
B.      Newel Post
C.    Starting
D.     Ending

        Answer: Option B

82.   The vertical side member of a shutter frame is known as

A.    Style
B.      Reveal
C.    Post
D.     mullion

        Answer: Option A
83.  The clinker is formed at a temperature of

A.    500oc
B.      1000oc
C.    1200oc
D.     1500oc

        Answer: Option D

84.  Asbestos cement

A.    Is brittle
B.      Wraps due to changes in humidity
C.    Strength is lowered when saturated by water
D.     All the above

        Answer: Option D                

85.  The percentage of water for normal consistency is

A.    5-15%
B.      10-25%
C.    15-25%
D.     20-30%

        Answer: Option D

86.  The compound of OPC which reacts immediately with water & also sets first is

A.    C3S
B.      C2S
C.    C3A
D.     C4AF

        Answer: Option C

87.  Jhumb bricks are

A.    Under burnt
B.      Over burnt
C.    Kutcha
D.     None of these

        Answer: Option B

88.  Refractory bricks are used for

A.    Retaining walls
B.      Columns
C.    Piers
D.     Combustion chamber

        Answer: Option D

89.  According to NBC, how many fire resistant constructions are adopted

A.    6
B.      3
C.    4
D.     7

        Answer: Option C

90.  Full form of DPC is

A.    Damp preventing class
B.      Damp proofing course
C.    Damp proofing class
D.     Damp preventing course.

        Answer: Option B

91.  Spirit of wine is used as a----in varnish

A.    Resins
B.      Base
C.    Solvent
D.     Carrier

        Answer: Option C

92.  For doors, number of hold fasts provided is

A.    2
B.      4
C.    6
D.     8

        Answer: Option C

93.  The most reliable estimate is

A.    Plinth area estimate
B.      Detailed estimate
C.    Cube rate estimate
D.     Approximate estimate

        Answer: Option B

94.  One cubic meter of sand will roughly weigh

A.    100kg
B.      600kg
C.    1600kg
D.     2600kg

        Answer: Option C

95.  Plinth area rate =

A.    Total cost * plinth area
B.      Total cost/plinth area
C.    Plinth area/total cost
D.     None of these

        Answer: Option B

96.  Which of the following metals are used for damp proofing

A.    Lead
B.      Copper
C.    Aluminum
D.     All of these

        Answer: Option D

97.  The minimum thickness, for single coat plastering is

A.    4mm
B.      8mm
C.    6mm
D.     12mm

        Answer: Option C

98.  Finishing of mortar joint is

A.    Painting
B.      Pointing
C.    Plastering
D.     Distempering

        Answer: Option B

99.  Saponification is

A.    Formation of cracks
B.      Formation of dull patches
C.    Breaking of plastering
D.     Breaking of lintel

        Answer: Option B

         100. The desired colour of paint is due to the presence of

A.    Driers
B.      Vehicle
C.    Colouring agent
D.     Base

        Answer: Option C

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