Thursday, September 26, 2019

Surveying 80 Questions with Answers

                                         Surveying 80 Questions with Answers

              1.       Which one of the following statement is correct?

A.   In a retrograde vernier, (n + 1) division on the primary scale are divided into vernier scale
B.   A double vernier consist of two simple venire scale
C.   In an extended veriner, (2n + 1) primary divisions are divided into n equal divisions on the veriner scale
D.   In a direct veriner, (n + 1) primary divisions are divided into n equal divisions on the veriner scale.

      Answer: Option A

2.    Survey of Indian was publishing toposheets using a scale of

      A. 1: 1000                           B. 1: 5000
     C. 1:10000                           D. 1: 50000

      Answer: Option D

3.    Offsets are

A.   Lateral measurement made with respect to main survey lines
B.   Perpendicular erected from chain lines
C.   Taken to avoid unnecessary walking between station
D.   Measurement which are not made at right angles to the chain line

      Answer: Option B

4.    If is the length of the chain, W is the weight of the chain and T is the tension the sag correction for the chain line is

     A. W2K2/24T3
     B. W2L/24T2
     C. W2L2/24T2
     D. W2L3/24T3

      Answer: Option B

5.    In an inclined terrain, if the elevation difference between the  two ends of a line is h and the inclined length of the line is L, the correction for slope is

     A. h2/L2                      B. h2/2L2
     C. 2h2/L2                   D. h2/2L2

      Answer: Option D

6.    Hypotenusal allowance is given by the expression (adopting standard conventions)

A.   (1 – sec θ) x measured distance
B.   (1 – cos θ) x measures distance
C.   (sec θ – 1) x measures distance
D.   (cos – 1) x measured distance

      Answer: Option C

7.    The magnitude of “sag correction” during measurement of length by taping is proportional to the

A.   Cube of the weight of the tape, in kg per m run
B.   Cube root of the weight of the tape, in kg per m run
C.   Square of the weight of the tape in kg per m run
D.   Square root of the weight of the tape, in kg per m run

      Answer: Option C

8.    The magnetic needle in a prismatic compass is placed

A.   At the bottom of the graduated aluminum ring
B.   Above the graduated aluminum ring
C.    Below the brass box
D.   Below the needle lifter, but above the bottom inside the compass

      Answer: Option A

9.    Diurnal variation is greater

A.   In winter than in summer
B.   At smaller latitude than at higher latitudes
C.   At magnetic equator points
D.   In summer than in water

      Answer: Option D

10.  The needle of a magnetic compass is generally supported on a

A.   Bush bearing
B.   Ball bearing
C.   Needle bearing
D.   Jewel bearing

      Answer: Option D

11.  It is required to produce a small-scale map of an area in magnetic zone in the filed itself. Which one of the following surveys will be most appropriate for purpose?

A.   Chain
B.   Theodolites
C.   Plane Table
D.   Compass

      Answer: Option A

12.  For locating an inaccessible point with the help of only a plane table, one should use

A.   Traversing
B.   Resection
C.   Radiation
D.   Intersection

      Answer: Option D

13.  The method of plane tabling commonly used for establishing the instrument station the method of

A.   Radiation
B.   Intersection
C.   Resection
D.   Traversing

      Answer: Option C

14.  Which one of the following surveys employs alidade?

A.   Contour survey
B.   Archeological survey
C.   Plane table survey
D.   Reconnaissance survey

      Answer: Option C

15.  Which one of the following errors is more severe in plane-table surveying?

A.   Defective sighting
B.   Defective orientation
C.   Movement of board between sights
D.   Non-horizontality of board when points sighted are large difference of their elevation

      Answer: Option B

16.  In a solution of the three-point problem in plane table surveying, the converging of error is attained through

A.   Concyclic concept
B.   Bessel’s method
C.   Triangle of error
D.   Tracing paper method

      Answer: Option C

17.  In a plane-table survey, the process of determining the plotted position of a station occupied by the plane-table by means of sights taken towards known points, the locations of which have already been plotted is known as

A.   Radiation
B.   Resection
C.   Intersection
D.   Traversing

      Answer: Option B

18.  The plotting of inaccessible in a plane-table survey can be done by the method of

A.   Interpolation
B.   Radiation
C.   Intersection
D.   Traversing

      Answer: Option D

19. The arithmetical check for the computation of RL by “rise and fall” method is given by

A.   ΣFS – ΣBS = RL of first station point RL of Last station point = Σfall –ΣRise
B.   ΣBS – ΣFS = RL of first station point RL of last station point = ΣRise – Σfall
C.   ΣBS – ΣFS = RL of last station point – RL of first station point = ΣRise – Σfall
D.   ΣBS – ΣFS = RL of first station point – RL of last station point = ΣRise – Σfall

      Answer: Option C

20.  The sensitiveness of a bubble tube in a level would decrease if

A.   The radius of curvature of the internal surface of the tube is increased
B.   The diameter of the tube is increased
C.   The length of the vapour bubble is increased
D.   The viscosity of the liquid is increased

      Answer: Option D

21.  Which one of the following surveys is employed

A.   Topographic survey
B.   Cadastral survey
C.   Geodetic survey
D.   Cross-sectioning and profile leveling

      Answer: Option D

22.  Which one of the following method of leveling eliminates the error due to curvature and refraction?

A.   Fly leveling
B.   Levelling by equalizing the distance of back sight and forsight
C.   Check leveling
D.   Precise leveling

      Answer: Option B

23.  Which of the following sights will be applicable for a change point?

A.   Back sight
B.   Intermediate sight and fore sight
C.   Fore sight
D.   Back sight and fore sight

      Answer: Option D

24.  Error due to inclination of line of collimation in leveling across a river can be eliminated by

A.   Reversion
B.   Reciprocal ranging
C.   Reciprocal leveling
D.   Keeping level in middle

      Answer: Option C

25.  In an instrument, the bubble tube with divisions of l m and a radius of 0.9 m has the sensitivity of

     A. 1/2                        B. 1/70
     C. 1/90                      D. 1/900

      Answer: Option D

26.  In case of leveling, backsight is

A.   A fixed point of known elevation
B.   The last staff reading taken before shifting the instrument.
C.   The first staff reading taken after setting the instrument
D.   Any staff reading taken on a point of unknown elevation

      Answer: Option C

27.  A plane, which is perpendicular to the plumb line through a point and is tangential to the level surface at that point is called a

A.   Tangential plane
B.   Vertical plane
C.   Level plane
D.   Horizontal plane

      Answer: Option D

28.  While measuring horizontal angles by the method of repetition with a theodolite, reading are taken on both the verniers. Which one of the following errors will be eliminated by reading both the verniers?

A.   Error due to eccentricity of the  centers
B.   Error due to imperfect adjustment of the line of collimation
C.   Error due to imperfect adjustment of the line of collimation
D.   Error due to imperfect adjustment of the line of collimation

      Answer: Option A

29.  Which one of the following is carried out by two theodolite method?

A.   Circular curve ranging
B.   Tacheometric survey
C.   Geodetic survey
D.   Astronomical survey

      Answer: Option A

30.  In a transit theodolite, error due to eccentricity of vernier is eliminated by reading

A.   Both verniers
B.   Both right swing and left swing
C.   Right and left faces
D.   Different parts of main scale

      Answer: Option A

31.  Turning of the theodolite telescope in vertical plane by 1800 about the horizontal axis is known as

A.   Setting
B.   Centering
C.   Transiting
D.   Swinging

      Answer: Option C

32.  What is the angle of intersection of a contour and a ridge line?

     A. 300                         B. 00
     C. 1800                       D. 900

      Answer: Option D

33.  A contour may be defined as an imaginary line passing through

A.   Point on the longitudinal section
B.   Point of equal elevation
C.   Point of equal local ground slope
D.   Points of transverse section surveys

      Answer: Option B

34.  A closed contour line with two or more higher contours inside it will represent a

A.   Depression
B.   Hill
C.   Cave
D.   Well

      Answer: Option B

35.  Which one of the following methods estimates best the area of an irregular and curved boundary?

A.   Trapezoidal method
B.   Simpson’s method
C.   Average ordinate method
D.   Mid-ordinate method

      Answer: Option B

36.  Which one of the following methods of computing area assume that the short lengths of the boundary between the ordinate are parabolic arcs?

A.   Average ordinate rule
B.   Middle ordinate rule
C.   Simpson’s rule
D.   Trapezoidal rule

      Answer: Option C

37.  Refraction error is the least in case of

A.   Stadia tachometry
B.   Tangential tachometry
C.   Subtense bar tachometry
D.   Omnimeters

      Answer: Option C

38.  The subtence method is adopted when the ground is

A.   Flat
B.   Inclined
C.   Undulating
D.   A water body

      Answer: Option A

39.  If  ‘g1’ and ‘g2’ are the two gradients, ‘r’ is the rate of change of grade (%) per chain, the length of the vertical curve will be

A.   (g1 + g2/r2)
B.   (g1 – g2/√r)
C.   (g1 – g2/r)
D.   (√g1 –g2/r3)

      Answer: Option C

40.  Which one of the following linear method of setting out a circular curve reference of the center of the curve?

A.   Offset from chord produced
B.   Radial offset
C.   Perpendicular offset
D.   Perpendicular offset

      Answer: Option B

41.  Theory of error and adjustments deals with minimizing the effects of

A.   Instrumental errors
B.   Mistakes
C.   Systematic errors
D.   Personal and accidental errors

      Answer: Option D

42.  Triangulation station selected close to the main station for avoiding intervening obstruction is called

A.   Eccentric station
B.   Pivot station
C.   Satellite station
D.   Tie station

      Answer: Option C

43.  What is the minimum number of satellites required from which signals can be recorded to enable a global positioning system receiver to determine latitude, longitude and altitude?

     A. One                        B. Two
     C.  Three                    D. Four

      Answer: Option C

44.  To uniquely determine the position of the user using GPS, one needs to receive signals from at least

A.   1 satellite
B.   2 satellite
C.   3 satellite
D.   4 satellite

      Answer: Option D

45.  One which one of the following are the third generation electro-optical instrument based?

A.   Microwave
B.   Infra-red
C.   UV light
D.   He-laser light

      Answer: Option B

46.  What is the angle between two plane mirrors of an optical square?

     A. 300               B. 600
     C. 450               D. 900

      Answer: Option C

47.  Which one of the following verniers is employed in Abney Level?

A.   Retrograde vernier
B.   Double vernier
C.   Double folded vernier
D.   Extended vernier

      Answer: Option D

48.  Which one of the following instrument can be used as clinometer?

A.   Prism square
B.   Line ranger
C.   Abney level
D.   Optical square

      Answer: Option C

49.  For setting may be depicted most accurately by

A.   Hachure’s
B.   Relief shading
C.   Layer tinting
D.   Contour lines

      Answer: Option D

50.  Altimetry may be depicted most accurately by

A.   Optical square
B.   Abney level
C.   Alidede
D.   Ceylon ghat tracer

      Answer: Option A

51.  The line of intersection of a level surface with the surface of ground

A.   Contour interval
B.   Contour line
C.   Horizontal equivalent
D.   Contour gradient

      Answer: Option B

52.  The distance which can be represented approximately on a plan by means of contour line is

A.   Horizontal
B.   Vertical
C.   Angular
D.   None of these

      Answer: Option B

53.  The method of contouring best suitable in hilly regions is

A.   Tacheometric method
B.   Theodolite method
C.   Graphical method
D.   Plane table method

      Answer: Option A

54.  The constant vertical distance between any two consecutive contours is called the

A.   Horizontal equivalent
B.   Vertical equivalent
C.   Contour interval
D.   Contour gradient

      Answer: Option C

55.  The contour interval depends on

A.   The nature of ground
B.   The purpose and extent of survey
C.   The scale of map
D.   All of these

      Answer: Option D

56.  The method for locating contours are

A.   Direct method only
B.   Indirect method only
C.   Direct and indirect method
D.   Plane tabling method

      Answer: Option C

57.  Method used for contouring small areas and where great accuracy required

A.   Indirect method
B.   Cross sectioning method
C.   Direct method
D.   None of these

      Answer: Option C

58.  As compared to direct method of contouring, the indirect method is

A.   More accurate
B.   Less accurate
C.   Slow
D.   Both B&C

      Answer: Option B

59.  The process of spacing the contours proportionally between the plotted ground points termed as the

A.   Contour interpretation
B.   Contour interpolation
C.   Contour estimation
D.   Contour computation

      Answer: Option B

60.  A series of closed contour lines on the map with lower to higher values inside them represents a

A.   Pond
B.   A hill
C.   Depression
D.   None of these

      Answer: Option B

61.  Closed contours with higher values outside

A.   Depression
B.   Hill
C.   Flat surface
D.   None of these

      Answer: Option A

62.  An imaginary line lying throughout on the surface of the earth and preserving a constant inclination to the horizontal is called

A.   Grade contour
B.   Contour gradient
C.   Contour interval
D.   Horizontal equivalent

      Answer: Option B

63.  Graphical method of contour interpolation is done with the help of

A.   Tracing paper
B.   Tracing cloth
C.   Both A&B
D.   By arithmetic calcuations

      Answer: Option C

64.  The best method of interpolation of contours is

A.   Reduction method
B.   Arithmetic method
C.   Estimation method
D.   Mechanical Method

      Answer: Option B

65.  The reduced level of a point on the ground is called

A.   Spot level
B.   Spot height
C.   Spot elevation
D.   Horizontal equivalent

      Answer: Option A

66.  The minor instrument used for setting gradient is

A.   Box sextant
B.   Pentagraph
C.   Boning rod and sight rail
D.   Ceylon ghat tracer

      Answer: Option D

67.  Contours are used to determine

A.   Economical site for construction
B.   Quantity of earth work
C.   Suitable alignment for routes
D.   All the above

      Answer: Option D

68.  The limit of water level in a pond represents a

A.   Vertical line
B.   Contour lines
C.   Contour Gradient
D.   Horizontal line

      Answer: Option B

69.  Volume of earth work can be calculated by

A.   Mid-ordinate
B.   Average ordinates
C.   End-ordinates
D.   All the above

      Answer: Option D

70.  It is  preferable to, use ink for the contours

A.   Brown
B.   Black
C.   Both A&B
D.   None of these

      Answer: Option C

71.  A transitteodolite fitted with a stadia diaphragm is known as

A.   Tacheometer
B.   Substance theodolite
C.   Astronomical theodolite
D.   Tellurometer

      Answer: Option A

72.  The standard accuracy of tachoemetry distance dertermination is

      A. 1: 5000                           B. 1: 100
     C. 1:10000                           D. 1: 1000

      Answer: Option D

73.  The multiplying constant of tacheometer is denote by

A.   f x l
B.   f + i
C.   F/i
D.   F-l

      Answer: Option C

74.  The number of horizontal cross wires in a stadia diaphragm is

A.   1
B.   3
C.   5
D.   6

      Answer: Option B

75.  Anallactive lens is provided to

A.   Make additive constant zero
B.   Improve visibility
C.   Improve the range of the telescope
D.   To make multiplying constant zero

      Answer: Option A

76.  Anallactive lens in tacheometer is

A.   Concave lens
B.   Convex lens
C.   Plane concave
D.   Plane convex

      Answer: Option B

77.  Tacheometer is adopted where

A.   limitation of space exists
B.   Obstruction due to large water harridan
C.   Crowded area
D.   The ground is rough and undulating

      Answer: Option B

78.  The method of tachoemetry in which the interval on leveling staff variable and stadia hair intercept is fixed is known as

A.   Movable hair method
B.   Fixed hair method
C.   Tangential method
D.   Substance hair method

      Answer: Option B

79.  Substence bar is an instrument for

A.   Levelling
B.   Measurement of horizontal distance in undulated ares
C.   Measurement of horizontal distance in plane areas
D.   Determination of volume

      Answer: Option B

80.  If triangulation, the test shape of the triangle would be

A.   Equilateral
B.   Right angled
C.   Isosceles with two base angle of-560 14’ each
D.   Isosceles with two base angle of-650 14’ each

      Answer: Option C

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