Thursday, September 26, 2019

Construction Project Management 40 Questions with Answers

                       Construction Project Management 40 Questions with Answers

1.      Gantt chart indicates:
A.      Balance of work to be done
B.      Comparison of actual progress with the scheduled progress
C.      Depicts the delay of jobs
D.     All the above
Answer: Option B
2.      Bar chart are considered suitable        for:
A.      major projects
B.      minor projects
C.      large projects
D.     all of the above
Answer: Option B
3.          On a bar chary the various activities of a project are shown by
A.      Shaded area
B.      Horizontal lines
C.      Vertical lines
D.     Dot marks
Answer: Option B
4.      Jobs going ahead of schedule are conveniently shown in
A.      Gantt chart
B.      Milestone chart
C.      Pi chart
D.     None of the above
Answer: Option A
5.      The weakness in bar chart is
A.      The various activities are interdependent
B.      Uncertainty in duration for various activities
C.      The sequence activities in not very clear
D.     All of the above
Answer: Option D
6.      A milestone chart
A.      Shows the interdependence of various jobs
B.      Shows the events in chronological, but not in a logical sequence
C.      Depicts the delay of jobs.
D.     All the above.
Answer: Option B
7.      PERT means
A.      Programme elevation and review technique.
B.      Pertinent programming related to a project
C.      Performance evaluation, rating and timing
D.     None of these.
Answer: Option A
8.      CPM means
A.      Computer programming mode
B.      Critical path method
C.      Controlling planning
D.     None of and maintenance
Answer: Option B
9.      PERT is
A.      Activity oriented
B.      Event oriented
C.      Time oriented
D.     Resources oriented
Answer: Option B
10.  CPM network is :
A.      event oriented
B.      Activity oriented
C.      Slack oriented
D.     Float oriented
Answer: Option B
11.  A Dummy activity
A.      Had no tail event but no tail event
B.      Had only a head event but no tail event
C.      Does not require any resources nor any time
D.     had no sequence and can be fitted anywhere
Answer: Option C
12.   Critical path is  :
A.      shortest path for the earliest completion of the project
B.      Longest path of the network from the first event to the last event.
C.      Ideal path by proceeding along which the project can be completed as per the schedule.
D.     The path which takes into account the completion of all the parallel activities.
Answer: Option C
13.  The technique which is activity oriented is
A.      PERT
B.      CPM
C.      Both of the above
D.     LCES
Answer: Option B
14.  Which of the following time estimate is related to PERT?
A.      Most likely time estimate
B.      Pessimistic time estimate
C.      Optimistic time estimate
D.     All the above
Answer: Option D
15.  The cost slope is defined as
A.      Crash cost-normal cost/crash time
B.      Crash cost /normal time-crash time
C.      Crash cost-normal cost/normal time
D.     Crash cost-normal cost/normal time-crash time
Answer: Option A
16.  The direct cost of a project with respect to normal time is
A.      Minimum
B.      Maximum
C.      Zero
D.     Infinite
Answer: Option A
17.  The reduction in project time normally results in
A.      decreasing the direct cost and increasing indirect cost
B.      increasing the direct cost and decreasing the indirect cost
C.      increasing the direct cost and indirect coat both
D.     decreasing the direct cost and indirect cost both
Answer: Option B
18.  Activity having negative float is called
A.      Critical activity
B.      Supercritical activity
C.      Subcritical activity
D.     All the above
Answer: Option B
19.  In CPM
A.      Time optimization is given prime importance
B.      Cost optimization is given prime importance
C.      Cost is directly proportional to time
D.     All the above
Answer: Option B
20.  Indirect cost of the project
A.      Decrease with duration
B.      Decrease up to optimum duration and then increase with duration
C.      Increase with duration
D.     All the above
Answer: Option C
21.  The independent float affects only

  a)  preceding activities                         b)    succeeding activities

   c) the particular activity involved        d)     none of the above
Answer: Option C
22.  Economic saving of time results by crashing

a)      cheapest critical activity                   b)    cheapest non-critical activity
b)      costliest critical activity                   d)     costliest non-critical activity

Answer: Option A
23.  Interfering float is the difference between

a)      total float and free float              b)    total float and independent float

    c)     free float and independent float         d)         none of the above
Answer: Option A
24.  Which of the following earth moving machines has the shortest cycle time?

a) Drag line         b)         Hoe     c)         Clam shell       d)         Dipper shovel

Answer: Option D
25.  The probability of completion of any activity within its expected time is

a) 50 %    b)         84.1 % c)         99.9 % d)         100 %

Answer: Option A
26.  Grader is used mainly for

a)    trimming and finishing                     b)    shaping and trimming

c)  finishing and shaping         d)         finishing, shaping and trimming
Answer: Option D
27.  Which one of the following is not an excavating & moving type of equipment ?

a)    Bulldozer        b)         Clam shell       c)         Scraper            d)         Dump truck
Answer: Option D
28.  The most suitable type of equipment for compaction of cohesive soils is

a)    Smooth-wheeled rollers                   b)    Vibratory rollers

c)    Sheep foot rollers        d)         Tampers
Answer: Option C
29.  The basic action involved in sheep foot rolling is

a)    Kneading        b)         Pressing           c)         Tamping          d)         Vibration
Answer: Option A
30.  Which one of the following surfaces will give highest coefficient of traction

while using crawler track tractors?

a)    Ice       b)         Concrete          c)         Loose sand      d)         Earth
Answer: Option D
31.  Time and progress chart of a construction is also known as

a)  Bar chart                                            b)  Gantt chart

c)  Modified milestone chart                    d)  any of the above
Answer: Option D
32.  The time by which a particular activity can be delayed without affecting the

preceding and succeeding activities is known as

a)    total float                                        b)    free float

  c)   interfering float                               d)     independent float
Answer: Option D
33.  The reduction in project time normally results in

       a)      decreasing the direct cost and increasing indirect cost

       b)      increasing the direct cost and decreasing the indirect cost

       c)      increasing the direct cost and indirect cost both

       d)      decreasing the direct cost and indirect cost both

Answer: Option B
34.  The process of incorporating changes and rescheduling or replanning is called

a)    resource leveling                             b)    resource smoothening

c)       updating                                         d)     critical path scheduling

Answer: Option C

35.  The constraints in case of resource smoothening operation would be

 a)   resources                                                       b)    project duration time

  c) both resources and project duration time       d)    none of the above
Answer: Option B
36.  Updating may result in

a)        change of critical path

b)        decrease of project completion time

c)        increase of project completion time

d)       all of the above

Answer: Option D

37.  For excavating utility trenches with precise control of depth, the excavation

 equipment used is

a) Hoe               b) Shovel      c) Drag line    d) None of these
Answer: Option A
38.  Batching refers to

         a)      controlling the total quantity at each batch
        b)      weighing accurately, the quantity of each material for a job before mixing

         c)      controlling the quantity of each material into each batch

        d)      adjusting the water to be added in each batch according to the moisture content of the materials being mixed in the batch

Answer: Option C
39.  The rated loads of lifting cranes, as percentage of tipping load at specified

 radius, for crawler-mounted, and pneumatic tyre-mounted machines would be respectively
a)         80 and 90        b)         90 and 80        c)         85 and 75        d)         75 and 83

Answer: Option D

40.  Sensitivity analysis is a study of

a)        comparison of profit and loss

b)        comparison of assets and liabilities

c)        change in output due to change in input

d)       economics of cost and benefits of the project

Answer: Option C

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