Thursday, September 26, 2019

Environmental Engineering 100 Questions with Answers

                     Environmental Engineering 100 Questions with Answers

            1.       The horizontal tunnels constructed at  a shallow depths along the banks of a river to       intercept  the ground water table are called

A. Canals                        B. Infiltration galleries
C. Springs                       D. Lakes

   Answer: Option B

2.    A pipe sunk into ground to tap the underground water is called

A. Open well                    B. Tube well
C. Artesian well               D. Deep well

Answer: Option B

3.    An artesian spring is formed

A.   When an aquifer gets exposed in a valley against a vertical cut
B.   Due to continuous fault in a rock through which water under under pressure comes out
C.   When a porous strata gets enclosed between two impervious strata
D.   None of the above

Answer: Option C

4.    The continuous flow of water may be expected from

A.   Surface springs
B.   Artesian springs
C.   Gravity springs
D.   All of these

Answer: Option B

5.    The water bearing strata i.e. layers of sand, gravel etc. is called

A.   An acquifer
B.   An aquiclude
C.   An aquifuge
D.   Zone of saturation

Answer: Option A

6.    The portion of soil through which lateral movement of water takes place is called

A.   Water table
B.   An aquiclde
C.   Zone of saturation
D.   None of these

Answer: Option C

7.    In India, as per Indian standards, water consumption per capita per day for domestic purpose is

A. 85 litres                      B. 100 litres
C. 115 litres                    D. 135 liters
Answer: Option D

8.    The domestic use of water amounts to of the total water requirements per capita per day.

A. 20%                            B. 30%
C. 40%                            D. 50%

Answer: Option D

9.    According to Indian standards, the consumption of water per capita per day for nursing homes, boarding schools and hostels is

A. 85 liters                      B. 100 liters
C. 115 liters                    D. 135 liters

Answer: Option D

10.  According to Indian standards, 45 liters of water per person per day is provided in case of

A. Hotels                          B. Hostels
C. Offices                        D. All of these

Answer: Option C

11.  Freeman formula for estimating, the fire demand (Q) in liters per minute is given by

A.   Q = 1135(P/5+10)
B.   Q = 2500(P/5+10)
C.   Q = 3182√P
D.   Q = 5663√P

Answer: Option A

12.  According to Kuichling formula, the fire demand (Q) in liters per minute is given by

A.   Q = 1135(P/5+10)
B.   Q = 2500(P/5+10)
C.   Q = 3182√P
D.   Q = 5663√P

Answer: Option A

13.  For large cities, the suitable method for forecasting population is

A.   Arithmetical increase method
B.   Graphical method
C.   Geometrical increase method
D.   Comparative method

Answer: Option A

14.  Suspended impurities consist of

A. Iron                             B. Chlorine
C. Bacteria                               D. All of these

Answer: Option C

15.  The presence of calcium and magnesium chloride in water causes

A. Softening                     B. Bad taste
C. Hardness                    D. Turbidity

Answer: Option C

16.  The finely divided dispersion of solid particles which are not visible to the naked eye and cannot be removed by ordinary filters are known as

A.   Suspended impurities
B.   Dissolved impurities
C.   Colloidal impurities
D.   None of these

Answer: Option C

17.  The turbidity in water is caused due to

A.   Silt
B.   Clay
C.   Finely divided organic matter
D.   All of these

Answer: Option D

18.  The presence of sodium chloride in water

A.   Causes bad taste
B.   Softens the water
C.   Increases hardness of water
D.   Stop epidemic

Answer: Option B

19.  The sodium carbonate in water

A.   Causes bad  taste
B.   Softens the water
C.   Increases hardness of water
D.   Stop epidemic

Answer: Option B

20.  The presence of hydrogen sulphide in water causes

A. Softening                     B. Alkalinity
C. Acidity                        D. Bad taste

Answer: Option C

21.  Turbidity of water is expressed in terms of

A.   Silica scale
B.   Platinum cabalt scale
C.   pO value
D.   None of these

Answer: Option A

22.  The odour of water can be determined by

A.   Thermometer
B.   Osmoscope
C.   Jackson’s turbidimeter
D.   None of these

Answer: Option B

23.  The maximum permissible temperature for domestic supply is

A.   5 to 100C
B.   10 to 150C
C.   15 to 200C
D.   20 to 250C

Answer: Option B

24.  The maximum permissible total solid content in water for domestic in water for domestic purposes should not exceed

A. 300 ppm                      B. 400 ppm
C. 500 ppm                      D. 1000 ppm

Answer: Option C

25.  The maximum permissible chloride content in water for domestic supplies should not exceed

A. 250 ppm                      B. 350 ppm
C. 450 ppm                      D. 550 ppm

Answer: Option A

26.  Residual chlorine in water is determined by method

A. Versenate                    B. Starch-iodide
C. Both a and b               D. None of these

Answer: Option B

27. The maximum acidity in water will occur at a pH value of

A. 0                                 B. 10-1
C. 10-7                             D. 10-14

Answer: Option A

28.  The alkalinity in water is caused by

A.   Sodium carbonate
B.   Potassium carbonate
C.   Calcium hydroxide
D.   All the these

Answer: Option D

29.  The pH value of water for public supplies is limited from

A.   2.5 to 6.5
B.   6.5 to 8
C.   8 to 10.5
D.   10.5 to 15

Answer: Option B

30.  The maximum permissible fluorine content in water for domestic supplies should be

A. 0.15 ppm                     B. 1.5 ppm
C. 15 ppm                        D. 150 ppm

Answer: Option B

31.  B-coli or E-coli are harmless organisms but their presence in water indicates the

A.   Presence of pathogenic
B.   Absence of pathogenic bacteria
C.   Presence of non-pathogenic bacteria
D.   Absence of non-pathogenic bacteria

Answer: Option A

32.  Bio-chemical oxygen demand(B.O.D) of safe drinking water must be

A. 0                                 B. 10
C. 50                               D. 100

Answer: Option A

33.  The method adopted for removing, bushes branches, debries etc. from water is known as

A.   Sedimentation
B.   Coagulation
C.   Screening
D.   Filteration

Answer: Option C

34.  In the process of screening, the screens should be inclined at an angle of

A.   100 to 200
B.   300 to 400
C.   450 to 600
D.   700 to 850
Answer: Option C

35.  The area of the openings in screens should be such that the velocity of flow through them does not exceed

A.   0.75 to 1 m/s
B.   1.5 to 3 m/s
C.   3 o 5 m/s
D.   5 to 6 m/s

Answer: Option A

36.  The detention time for an ordinary plain sedimentation tank is

A.   1 to 2 hours
B.   2 to 4 hours
C.   6 to 8 hours
D.   20 to 24 hours

Answer: Option C

37.  In a plain sedimentation tank, under normal conditions, impurities are removed upto

A. 50%                            B. 60%
C. 70%                            D. 80%

      Answer: Option C

38.  The length of rectangular sedimentation tank should not be more than the width of the tank.

      A. Twice                         B. Three times
     C. Four times                           D. Six times

Answer: Option C

39.  The most common coagulant is

A.   Magnesium sulphate
B.   Alum
C.   Chlorine
D.   Bleaching powder

Answer: Option B

40.  The alum when mixed with water as a coagulant,

A.   Does not effect pH value of water
B.   Decreases pH value of water
C.   Increases pH value of water
D.   None of these

Answer: Option B

41.  The organic impurities in water form a layer on the top of a filtering media. Such a layer is called

A.   Permeable layer
B.   Filtering layer
C.   Dirty skin
D.   None of these

Answer: Option C

42.  The slow sand filter should be cleaned if the loss of head becomes more than

A. 0.75 m                         B. 1.2 m
C. 2.2 m                          D. 3.5 m

Answer: Option B

43.  Slow sand filter is efficient to remove the bacterias from the raw water to an extent of

A. 50%                            B. 70%
C. 85%                            D. 99%

Answer: Option D

44. An arrangement for back washing is provided in

A.   Slow sand filter
B.   Sedimentation tank
C.   Rapid sand filter
D.   All of these

Answer: Option C

45.  Rapid sand filter can remove bacterias upto an extent of

A.   60% to 70%
B.   70% to 80%
C.   80% to 90%
D.   90% to 99%

Answer: Option C

46. Pressure filters, water is forced at a pressure the atmospheric pressure.

A.   Swimming pools
B.   Railway station
C.   Individual industries
D.   All of these

Answer: Option D

47. The process of killing pathogenic bacterias from water is called

A.   Sedimentation
B.   Filteration
C.   Coagulation
D.   Disinfection

Answer: Option D

 48. The most commonly used disinfectant for drinking water throughout the world is

A. Alum                           B. Nitrogen
C. Lime                           D. Chlorine

Answer: Option D

49. The ideal method of disinfection of swimming pool water is by

A.   Chlorination
B.   Lime treatment
C.   Ozonisation
D.   Ultra-violet rays

Answer: Option C

     50. The amount of residual chorine in treated water is determined by the

A.   Orthotolodine test
B.   Iodometric test
C.   Amperometric test
D.   All of these

Answer: Option D

    51. The time of contact for chlorination should be at least

A. 5 minutes                    B. 20 minutes
C. 1 hour                         D. 2 hours

Answer: Option B

       52. Pre-chlorination

A.   Improves coagulation
B.   Reduces odours
C.   Reduces tastes
D.   All of these

Answer: Option D

  53. The process of dechlorination is followed by

A.   Plain chlorination
B.   Post-chlorination
C.   Dechlorination
D.   Super-chlorination

Answer: Option C

54. The amount of chlorine used for plain-chlorination of water is about

A. 0.2 ppm                       B. 0.3 ppm
C. 0.4 ppm                       D. 0.5 ppm

Answer: Option D

55. The most commonly used chemical for dechlorination of water is

A.   Sodium thiosulphate
B.   Sodium sulphite
C.   Potassium permanganate
D.   All of these

Answer: Option D

56. In orthotolodine test, safe residual for drinking water is indicated by

A.   Yellow colour
B.   Green colour
C.   Lemon yellow colour
D.   None of these

Answer: Option A

57. Bleaching powder is

A.   Slaked lime
B.   Chloride of lime
C.   Hypo-chloride of lime
D.   Hypo-chlorite of lime

Answer: Option D

58.  The percentage of chlorine in fresh bleaching powder is

A.20 to 25%                     B. 25 to 30%
C. 30 to 35%                    D. 35 to 40%

Answer: Option C

59. The temporary hardness in water is caused due to the salts like

A. Chlorides                     B. Nitrates
C. Carbonates                           D. Sulphates

Answer: Option C

60. The permanent hardness in water is caused due to the salts like

A. Chlorides                     B. Nitrates
C. Sulphates                   D. All of these

Answer: Option D

  61.The temporary hardness due to calcium bicarbonates can be removed by

A.   Boiling
B.   Lime process
C.   Lime-soda process
D.   Zeolite process

Answer: Option A

     62. The permanent  hardness of water can be removed by

A.   Adding alum
B.   Adding chlorine
C.   Boiling
D.   Zeolite process

Answer: Option D

     63. The aeration of water is done to remove

A. Colour                         B. Odour
C. Taste                          D. All of these

Answer: Option D

       64. A reflux value is also known as

A.   Safety value
B.   Scour value
C.   Air value
D.   Check value

Answer: Option D

      65. The minimum size of a fire hydrant is

A. 5 cm                            B. 10 cm
C. 15 cm                          D. 20 cm

Answer: Option C

66. The value provided on the suction pipe in a tube well is

A. Sluice value                                   B. Air relief value
C. Pressure relief value                       D. Reflux value

Answer: Option D

67. The corrosion in pipe is due to

A.   Dissolved oxygen in water
B.   pH value of water
C.   Impurities in the material particularly those having a lower potentential
D.   All of the above

Answer: Option D

68. The plain ends of cast iron pipes are joined by

A.   Spigot and socket joint
B.   Flanged joint
C.   Victuallic joint
D.   Dresser coupling joint

Answer: Option D

69. In order to control the flow of water through pipes, a is provided

A.   Scour joint
B.   Air value
C.   Gate value
D.   Safety value

Answer: Option C 

70. The suitable layout of a distribution system for well planned cities is

A.   Dead end system
B.   Ring system
C.   Radial system
D.   Grid iron system

Answer: Option B

71. The water from kitchens, bathrooms, wash basins is called

A. Sewer                          B. Sullage
C. Raw sewage                 D. None of these

Answer: Option B

72. The self cleaning velocity, recommended for Indian conditions, in order to prevent setting down of sewage at the bottom or on the sides of a large sewer is

A. 0.25 m/s                     B. 0.50 m/s
C. 0.75 m/s                     D. 1.5 m/s

Answer: Option C

73. According to Fanning’s formula, the quantity of storm water (Q) in liters per second is given by

A. Q = CA2/3                     B. Q = CA5/8
C. Q = CA3/4                    D. Q = CA3/2

Answer: Option B

74. The internal diameter of the sewer is small, then the velocity of flow will be high

A. 15 cm                          B. 25 cm
C. 50 cm                         D. 75 cm

Answer: Option A

75. For house drainage and lateral connections, we shall use

A.   Stone ware sewers
B.   Cast iron sewers
C.   Concrete sewers
D.   Masonry sewers

Answer: Option A

76. The cross-section recommended for separate system of sewerage is

A.   Circular
B.   Egg-shaped
C.   Rectangular
D.   None of these

Answer: Option A

77.  Egg-shaped   sewers are generally used for

A.   Separate system
B.   Combined system
C.   Partially separate system
D.   All of these

Answer: Option D

78.  An egg-shaped cross-section of a sewer

A.   Is economical than circular cross-section
B.   Is more stable than circular cross-section
C.   Provides self cleaning velocity in dry weather
D.   None of these

Answer: Option C

79.  Manholes are, generally, located

A.   At all changes of direction
B.   At all changes of gradients
C.   At all junctions of main and branch sewers
D.   All of these

Answer: Option D

80. The minimum diameter of a manhole cover should be

A. 25 cm                          B. 50 cm
C. 75 cm                         D. 100 cm

Answer: Option B

81. A drop manhole is provided if

A.   A sewer drops from a height          
B.   A branch sewer discharges into main sewer at a higher level
C.   Both (a) and (b)
D.   None of these

Answer: Option B

82. A good trap should

A.   Not have self cleaning property
B.   Restrict the flow of water
C.   Provide an adequate water seal at all times
D.   All of these

Answer: Option C

83. A pipe used to carry discharge from sanitary fitting like bathrooms, Kitchens etc. is called

A. Waste pipe                   B. Soil pipe
C. Vent pipe                    D. Anti-siphonage pipe

Answer: Option A

84. A pipe installed for ventilation purpose is called

A. Waste pipe                             B. Soil pipe
C. Vent pipe                    D. Anti-siphonage pipe

Answer: Option C

85. The anti-siphonage pipe is not required in

A.   One pipe system        
B.   Two pipe system
C.   Single stack system
D.   None of these               

Answer: Option C

86. The activated sludge

A.   Contains fertilizing constituents
B.   Indicates the degree of aeration
C.   Indicates high water content
D.   All of these
Answer: Option D

87. The activated sludge process of sewage treatment

A.   Requires smaller area for construction of whole unit
B.   Requires smaller water head for operation than trickling filters
C.   Has high efficiency
D.   All of the above

Answer: Option D

 88. A septic tank is a

A.   Sedimentation tank                       
B.   Digestion tank
C.   Combination of sedimentation and digestion tank
D.   Aeration tank

Answer: Option C

89. The effluents from the septic tank are discharged into

A. Soap pit                       B. Drainage
C. Oxidation pond            D. Sewer

Answer: Option A

90. The minimum dissolved oxygen required in water to save the aquatic life is

A. 1 ppm                          B. 2 ppm
C. 4 ppm                         D. 8 ppm

Answer: Option C

91. The amount of oxygen consumed by sewage from an oxidizing agent like potassium dichromate is termed as

A.    Bio-chemical oxygen demand (B.O.D)
B.   Chemical oxygen demand (C.O.D)
C.   Relative stability
D.   None of these

Answer: Option B

92. The percentage ratio of the oxygen available in sewage to the oxygen required to satisfy one stage of bio-chemical oxygen demand (B.O.D) is termed as

A.   Chemical oxygen demand              
B.   Oxygen consumed
C.   Relative stability
D.   Bio-oxygen demand

Answer: Option C

93. In preliminary treatment of sewage, the operation which takes place, is

A.   Removal of fine suspended particles
B.   Removal of fine dissolved organic material
C.   Removal of lighter floating material
D.   Removal of harmful bacterias and other organisms

Answer: Option C

94. In secondary treatment of sewage, the operation which takes place is

A.   Removal of heavier suspended inorganic material
B.   Removal of fine dissolved  organic material
C.   Removal of harmful bacterias
D.   All of the above

Answer: Option B

95. The secondary treatment of sewage is carried out by the use of

A. Screens                       B. Grit chambers
C. trickling filters            D. Chlorinators

Answer: Option C

96. Biological action is used in

A. Screens                       B. Sedimentation tanks
C. Trickling filters           D. All of these

Answer: Option C

97. The sewage is treated by aerobic bacteria action in

A. Settling tank                         B. Trickling filter
C. Oxidation pond                     D. All of these

Answer: Option C

98. The most common causes of acidity in water

A. Oxygen                        B. Hydrogen
C. Nitrogen                       D. Carbon dioxide

Answer: Option D

99. Which of the following is not a water borne disease

A. Typhoid                       B. Malaria
C. Cholera                       D. Dysentery

Answer: Option B

100. Pressure filters are used for

A. Urban water supply              B. Rural water supply
C. Ground Water                       D. Swimming Pools

Answer: Option D


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