Thursday, September 26, 2019

Irrigation 60 Questions with Answers

                                                    Irrigation 60 Questions with Answers

             1.       The ratio between the area of a crop irrigated and the quantity of water required during its entire period of the growth is known as

A. Delta                           B. Duty
C. Base period                 D. Crop period

Answer: Option B

2.    The total depth of water required by a crop during the entire period the crop is in the field, is known as

A. Delta                           B. Duty
C. Base period                 D. Crop period

Answer: Option A

3.    The relation between duty, delta and base period is

A. Δ=8.64 B/D                           B. Δ=86.4B/D
C. Δ=864B/D                            D. Δ=8640B/D

Answer: Option C

4.    Sprinkler irrigation is adopted for area

A. Level                           B. Uneven
C. Hilly                           D. None

Answer: Option B

5.    Kharif seasons starts from

A.   April and end by September
B.   January and end by October
C.   October and end by march
D.   None of the above

Answer: Option A

6.    According to Dicken’s formula, the flood discharge (Q)

A. Q=C A2/3                        B. Q=C A3/4
C. Q=C A5/6                     D. Q=C A7/8

Answer: Option B

7.    According to famning’s formula, the flood discharge (Q) is cumecs is given by

A. Q=C A2/3                        B. Q=C A3/4
C. Q=C A5/6                     D. Q=C A7/8

Answer: Option C

8.    The estimation of flood can be made

A.   By physical indication of past flood
B.   By flood discharge formulae
C.   By unit hydrograph
D.   All of the above

Answer: Option D

9.    The amount of precipitation is measured by

A. Rain gauge                                  B. Osmoscope
C. Turbidimeter               D. All of the above

Answer: Option A

10.  The commonly used rain gauge is

A.   Weighing bucket type
B.   Tipping bucket type
C.   Float type
D.   None of the above

Answer: Option C

11.  Rainfall is collected by a Symon’s rain gauge in a

A.    Measuring glass
B.   Cylindrical vessel
C.   Bottle
D.   Masonary tank

Answer: Option B

12.  A rain gauge should be located in an open place away from obstrutions at a distance

A.   10 m
B.   30 m
C.   Of twice the height of the tallest building near-by
D.   Both (b) & (c)

Answer: Option D
13.  Rain fall measured in

A. mm                             B. m
C. cu. M                          D. Mill. Cu. M

Answer: Option A

14.  The diameter of the funnel in a Symon’s rain-gauge is

A. 12.7 cm                       B. 127 mm
C. 127 m                         D. 127 cm

Answer: Option B

15.  The portion of the catchment the drainage from which is stopped by an upper tank is called

A.   Free catchment
B.   Intercepted catchment
C.   Combined catchment
D.   Isolated catchment

Answer: Option B

16.  The mean annual rainfall is measured from a rainfall records of

A. 20 years                      B. 30 years
C. 35 years                      D. 40 years

Answer: Option C

17.  The run off of a fan shaped catchment when compared to fern shaped catchment is

A. Greater                       B. Lesser
C. Equal                         D. None

Answer: Option A

18.  The maximum velocity in a river occurs at

A.   0.2D below surface
B.   0.6D below surface
C.   Both the above
D.   None of the above

Answer: Option A

19.  Current meter is used to find

A. Discharge                    B. Run off
C. Rain fall                     D. Velocity

Answer: Option D

20.  A weir fails due to

A.   Rupture of floor due to uplift
B.   Rupture of floor due to suction caused by standing wave
C.   Scour on the upstream and down stream of the weir
D.   All of the above 

Answer: Option D

21.  According to Khosla’s theory, the critical hydraulic gradient for alluvial soils is approximately equal to

A. 1                                 B. 1.5
C. 2                                D. 2.5

Answer: Option A

22.  Work constructed on a river for supply of water to a canal taking off on its upstream side for irrigation purposes are called

A.   River training works
B.   Head works
C.   Brainage works
D.   Protective works

Answer: Option B

23.  The theory used to design aprons and talus for weir is given by

A. Kennedy                      B. Lacey
C. Bligh                          D. Dicken

Answer: Option C

24.  Divide wall is constructed at

A.   Between the weir and head sluice
B.   Between head sluice and abutment
C.   Between scouring sluice and weir
D.   None of the above

Answer: Option C

25.  Piping is resisted by increasing

A.   Thickness of apron
B.   Width of apron
C.   Length of creep
D.   Length of rivetment

Answer: Option C

26.  The escape of earth from underneath the foundation of a weir along with the percolated water results in a phenomenon called

A. Piping                          B. Creep
C. Uplift                          D. Scour

Answer: Option A

27.  The lower limit of factor of safety against overturning in a gravity dam is

A. 1.25                            B. 1.75
C. 2.0                              D. 1.5

Answer: Option C

28.  For no tension to develop in the gravity dam, the eccentricity of the resultant force should be

A. <b/3                            B. <b/4
C. <b/6                           D. <b/12

Answer: Option C

29.  If H is the height of water to be stored, S is the specific gravity of the dam material and µ is the co-efficient of friction the base width of the elementary profile satisfying the condition of no tension is given by

A. H/µ.S                          B. H/(S-I)
C. H/√S                          D. H/√(S-I)

Answer: Option C

30.  Mass curve of inflow is

A.   Never straight line               
B.   Straight line
C.   Parallel line
D.   None

Answer: Option A

31.  To determine the area between two contours is used

A. Compass                     B. Telescope
C. Theodolite                   D. Planimeter

Answer: Option D

32.  Factor of safety for sliding is given by

A.   Stabilising moment/overturning moment          
B.   Overturning moment/Stabilising moment
C.   Stabilising moment/Total vertical moment
D.   Stabilising moment/Horizontal force

Answer: Option A

33.  Maximum height of earthen dam

A.10 m                            B. 20 m
C. 30 m                           D. 50 m

Answer: Option C

34.  The shape of the phreatic line

A. parabola                      B. Straight line
C. Zig-zig line                           D. Round shape

Answer: Option A

35.  Failure due to “piping” in earth dams may be caused by

A.   Cracking of soil
B.   Insufficient capacity of spillway
C.   Erosion of bund due to wave action
D.   Insufficient free board

Answer: Option A

36.  The hydrostatic pressure below the phreatic line is

A. Zero                            B. Positive
C. Negative                      D. None

Answer: Option B

37.  Failure of an earth dam due to sliding of foundation can be prevented by providing

A.   Revetment on upstream face of bund
B.   Key trenches
C.   Bigger cross section for dam
D.   Steeper slopes for the bund

Answer: Option B

38.  A work in which a canal is carried like a bridge over a drain corssing is called

A.   Aqueduct
B.   Syphon aqueduct
C.   Super passage
D.   Syphon

Answer: Option

39.  Field channels are also called

A.   Water courses
B.   Minors
C.   Contour canal
D.   Water shed canal

Answer: Option A

40.  Kennedy’s relationship from the following is

A. V0=cdn                                   B. V0=√2/5 f R
C. V= [Q f2/140]1/6                     D. V=10.8 R2/3 i1/3

Answer: Option A

41.  Draw back in kennedy’s theory is

A.   Canal longitudinal equation is not given
B.   Rigme theory explained
C.   Final regime is not clearly explained
D.   Initial regime is not clearly explained

Answer: Option A

42.  Regime theory is explained by

A. Kenney                        B. Lacey
C. Kutter                         D. Dicken

Answer: Option B

43.  The canal lining is provided for

A.   Preventing of canal breaches
B.   To avoid water logging
C.   To control the seepage losses
D.   All of the above                               

Answer: Option D

44.  Transmission losses are known as

A.   Evaporation losses
B.   Percolation losses
C.   Seepage losses
D.   All the above

Answer: Option D

45.  In field cannels the lining is used

A.   Sodium carbonate                         
B.   Asphaltic
C.   Cement concrete
D.   Cement mortar

Answer: Option A

46.  Meandering occurs in what stage of the following

A.   Mountain stage
B.   Boulder stage
C.   Trough stage
D.   Deltaic stage

Answer: Option C

47.  The river build up its bed in type of river

A.   Aggregating type
B.   Degrading type
C.   Stable type
D.   Meandering type

Answer: Option A

48.  If the bed slope is just sufficient to carry the silt charge with the discharge, then the river is said to be

A.   Aggregating type
B.   Degrading type
C.   Stable type
D.   Meandering type

Answer: Option C

49.  “Degrading type” river is due to

A.   Heavy load
B.   Extention of delta at the river mouth
C.   Sudden reduction of sediment load
D.   None

Answer: Option C

50.  When a river change its course and follows a sinuous winding path the river is said to be

A.   Meandering
B.   Stable
C.   Aggreating
D.   Degrading

Answer: Option A

51.  Which of the following is impermetable spurs
A.   Attracting groynes
B.   Deflecting groynes
C.   Repelling groynes
D.   Hockey groynes
E.   All of the above

Answer: Option E

52.  One of the causes of soil erosion is due to

A.   Countour bunding
B.   Subsurface drainage
C.   Beforstation
D.   Mixed cropping

Answer: Option C

53.  The cause which may lead to soil erosion

A.   Efforestation
B.   Cattle grazing
C.   Crop rotation
D.   Unchecked surface run off along the slopes

Answer: Option D

54.  The chemical used for reclamation of saline land

A.   Calcium carbonate
B.   Sodium chloride
C.   Gypsum
D.   Potassium nitrate
Answer: Option C

55.  The process of preserving the fertility of soil is called

A.   Soil erosion
B.   Soil conservation
C.   Soil reclamations
D.   Afforestation

Answer: Option B

56.  Due to sheet erosion the productivity of soil

A.   Gradually reduced
B.   Gradually increased
C.   Yield increases
D.   None of the above

Answer: Option A

57.  Deforestation and over grazing causes

A.   Water logging
B.   Soil erosion
C.   Increase crop yield
D.   Increases fertility

Answer: Option B

58.  The land is considered as water logged when the depth of ground water is at from ground

A.   3 m                  B. 1.5 m to 2 m
C.5m to 6m            D. 4m

Answer: Option B

59.  Excessive moisture in soil making the land loss productive leads to a condition called

A.   Water logging
B.   Erosion
C.   Deforestation
D.   Sheet erosion

Answer: Option A

60.  Isohytes are imaginary lines joining points of equal

A.   Pressure
B.   Height
C.   Humidity
D.   Rainfall

Answer: Option B

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