Thursday, September 26, 2019

Steel Structures with 70 Questions with Answers

                                 Steel Structures with 70 Questions with Answers


1. When the effect of wind or earthquake load is taken into account, the permissible stress as specified in rivets may be increased by
A. 33*1/3%
B.                 50%
C.                 10%
D.                25 %

2. Fillet weld is not recommended if the angle between fusion face is
(i)   less than 45 degree
(ii)   greater than 120 degree
(iii)   less than 60 degree
(iv)   greater than 145 degree
The correct statements are:
A.                (i) and (ii)
B.                 (i) and (iv)
C.                 (ii) and (iii)
D.                (iii) and ANSWER: C

3. A lacing column is designed to carry500 kN axial load. Then total transverse shear resisted by lacing will be
A.                25 kN
B.                 6.25 kN
C.                 12.5 kN
D.                15 kN

4. The slenderness ratio of lacing bars should not exceed
A. 100
B. 120
C. 180
D. 145

5. Angle of inclination of the lacing bar with the longitudinal axis of the column should preferably be between
A.                10 to 30 degree
B.                 30 to 80 degree
C.                 40 to 70 degree
D.                20 to 70 degree
   ANSWER:       C

6. If18 mm rivets are used in lacing bars, then minimum width of lacing bars should be
A.                45 mm
B.                 50 mm
C.                 55 mm
D.                60 mm


7. The effective length of a battened column is increased by

ANSWER:        A

8. The buckling load in steel column is
A.                related to length
B.                 directly proportional to the slenderness ratio
C.                 inversely  proportional to the slenderness ratio
D.                Non linearity of the slenderness ratio
  ANSWER:        A

9. Lug angles are
A.                used to reduce the length of connection
B.                 are unequal angles
C.                 increases shear legs
D.                all of the above
ANSWER:        A

10. Most efficient and economical section used as abeam is
A.                I section
B.                 Circular section
C.                 Angles
D.                H section
ANSWER:        A

11. When abeam is subjected to lateral load then designer choice for section should be
A.                Angle
B.                 H section
C.                 I section with channel section at top flange
D.                Lug angle

12. Bearing stiffeners are provided at
1.  the support
2.  the mid span
3.  The point of application of concentrated load
The correct answer is
A.                only1.
B.                 1, 2 and 3.
C.                 both 1 and 2
D.                both 1 and 3
 ANSWER:         D

13. In case of buckling, the dispersion of load from bearing plate to neutral axis takes place at
A.                30 degree
B.                 60 degree
C.                 45 degree
D.                10 Degree
ANSWER:          C

14. Shear determines the design of beam when
1.  depth of beam section is large
2.  depth of beam section is small and uniformly loaded
3.  Large concentrated loads are placed near beam supports
The correct answer is
A.                Only 2
B.                 1 and 3
C.                 2 and 3
D.                Only 2 ANSWER: C

15. Maximum deflection in steel beam is limited to
A.        L/360
B.                 L/325
C.                 L/250
D.                L/100 ANSWER:       B

16. The plastic section modulus for a rectangular section of width b and depth d is
A.                bd3/3
B.                 bd2/6
C.                 bd2/4
D.                bd2/12 ANSWER: C

17. Plastic modulus for a circular section of diameter d is
 A.       d3/6
B.                 d3/3
C.                 d3/4
D.                d3/5 ANSWER: A

18. Shape factor is a property that depends upon
A.                only the ultimate stress of material
B.                 only on the field stress of the material
C.                 only on geometry of section
D.                both on yield stress and ultimate stress of the material
ANSWER:        C

19. At fully plastic section, infinite rotation can occur at
A.                zero moment
B.                 constant elastic moment
C.                 constant plastic moment
D.                All of the above
ANSWER:        C

20. A short column subjected to design axial load and design uniaxial moment, if eccentricity (e) is relatively small, column is likely to undergo
A.                tension failure
B.                 compression failure
C.                 shear failure
D.                None of these

21. A steel welded plate girder is subjected to a maximum bending moment of150 t-m. If the maximum permissible bending stress is 1650 kg/cm^2, then the most economical depth of the girder will be
A.                60 cm
B.                 80 cm
C.                 100 cm
D.                120 cm ANSWER:   D

22. The problem of lateral buckling can arise only in those steel beams which has
A.                moment of inertia about the bending axis larger than the other
B.                 moment of inertia about the bending axis smaller than the other
C.                 fully supported compression flange
D.                None of the above
ANSWER:        A

23. Racking force on a steel railway bridge is due to
A.                tracting effect
B.                 breaking effect
C.                 resistance offered by the bearing to the movement at the roller end
D.                Lateral movement of the train when moving on a straight track

24. Bolts are most suitable to carry
A.                Shear
B.                 bending
C.                 axial tension
D.                shear and bending

25. Pitch of taking rivets, when double angles connected back to back and acting as tension member should not be more than
A.                500 mm
B.                 600 mm
C.                 1000 mm
D.                300 mm

26. Battens provided for a compression member shall be designed to carry a transverse shear equal to
A.                2.5 %of axial force in member
B.                 5 %of axial force in member
C.                 10 %of axial force in member
D.                20 %of axial force in member

27. The allowable shear stress in the web of mild steel beams decreases with
A.                Decrease in h/t ratio
B.                 Increase in h/t ratio
C.                 Decrease in thickness
D.                Increase in height

28. Intermediate vertical stiffeners are provided in plate girder to
A.                eliminate web buckling
B.                 eliminate local buckling
C.                 transfer concentrated loads
D.                Prevent excessive deflection

29. The thickness of web for un stiffened plate girder with clear distanced between the flanges shall not be less than
A.                d/200
B.                 d/85
C.                 d/100
D.                d/160

30. Generally the purlins are placed at the panel points so as to avoid
A.                axial force in rafter
B.                 shear force in rafter
C.                 deflection in rafter
D.                bending moment in rafter

31. The risk co-efficient k1 depends on
A.                mean probable design life of structure
B.                 basic wind speed
C.                 both design life and wind speed
D.                none of the given options

32. The external wind pressure acting on a roof depends on
A.                degree of permeability
B.                 slope of roof
C.                 both degree of permeability and slope of roof
D.                none of the given options

33. As per IS: 875, for the purpose of specifying basic wind velocity, the country has been divided into
A.                4 zones
B.                 5 zones
C.                 6 zones
D.                7 zones


34. The number of seismic zones in which the country has been divided are


35. A continuous beam of constant Mp has three equal spans and carries total uniformly distributed load 'w' on each span. The value of collapse load for the beam will be
A.                12 Mp/L
B.                 11.656 Mp/L
C.                 8.65 Mp/L
D.                4 Mp/ L

36. When designing steel structures, one must ensure that local buckling in webs does not take place. This check may not be very critical when using rolled steel sections because
A.                Quality control; at time of manufacturing of rolled sections is very good
B.                 Web depths available are small
C.                 Web stiffeners are in built in rolled steel sections
D.                Depth to thickness ratio( of web) are appropriately adjusted

37. In a plate girder, the web plate is connected to the flange plate by fillet welding. The size of the fillet welds is designed to safely resist
A.                The bending stresses in the flanges
B.                 Vertical shear force at the section
C.                 Horizontal shear force between the flanges and the web plate
D.                The force causing buckling in the web

38. A propped cantilever of span L is carrying vertical concentrated load acting at mid span. The plastic moment of the section is Mp. The magnitude of the collapse load is
A.                8 Mp/L
B.                 6 Mp/L
C.                 4 Mp/L
D.                2 Mp/L

39. Which of the following is load factor
A.                Live load/Dead load
B.                 Failure load / Working  load
C.                 Total load / Dead load
D.                Dynamic load/ Dead load

40. Effective length of column effectively held in position and restrained in direction at one end is
A.                L
B.                 0.67L
C.                 0.85L
D.                1.5 L

41. Effective length of column effectively held in position and restrained in direction at both ends is
A.                L
B.                 0.67L
C.                 0.85L
D.                1.5 L

42. Slenderness ratio of a compression member is
A.                Moment of inertia/Radius of Gyration
B.                 Effective length / Area of cross-section
C.                 Radius of gyration / Effective Length
D.                Radius of gyration / Area of cross-section

43. The most economical section for a column is
A.                Rectangular
B.                 solid round
C.                 flat strip
D.                Tubular section

44. A column splice is used to increase
A.                length of column
B.                 strength of column
C.                 cross-sectional area of column
D.                None of these

45. To keep the intensity of bearing pressure between the column base and concrete, compressive throughout the length of the column base, the ratio of the moment M to axial load P should be
A.                <L/3
B.                 <L/6
C.                 >L/3
D.                >L/6 ANSWER: B

46. Net sectional area of a tension member, is equal to its gross section area
A.                plus the area of the rivet holes
B.                 divided by the area of rivet holes
C.                 multiplied by the area of the rivet holes
D.                minus the area of the rivet holes
E.                 None of these

47. A beam is defined as a structural member subjected to
A.                axial loading
B.                 transverse loading
C.                 axial and transverse loading
D.                None of these

48. The rolled steel I-sections are most commonly used as beams because these provide
A.                Large moment of inertia with less cross sectional area
B.                 Large moment of resistance as compared to other section
C.                 greater lateral stability
D.                All of the above

49. In rolled steel beams shear force is mostly resisted by
A.                web only
B.                 flanges only
C.                 web and flanges together
D.                None of these

50. The deflection of beams may be decreased by
A.                Increasing the depth of beam
B.                 Increasing the span
C.                 Decreasing the depth of beam
D.                Increasing the width of beam
E.                 None of these

51. Web crippling generally occur at the point where
A.                Bending moment is maximum
B.                 Shearing force is minimum
C.                 concentrated loads act
D.                deflection is maximum
E.                 All of the above

52. For a column of height L fixed in position and direction both at its top and bottom, its effective length is
A.                L
B.                 3L
C.                 L/2
D.                2L

53. Stiffeners are used in a plate girder
A.                to reduce the compressive stress
B.                 to reduce the sear stress
C.                 to take the bearing stress
D.                to avoid bulking of web stress

54. The function of drop panel in flat slab is
A.                to reduce bending moment in slab
B.                 to reduce shear stress in slab
C.                 to reduce bending moment and shear force in slab
D.                to reduce shear force in slab

55. The constant 'alpha' used in calculating moments in exterior panel of flat slab depends on
A.                stiffness of slab
B.                 stiffness of column
C.                 stiffness of both the slab and column
D.                stiffness of beam and column

56. In portal frame rigid connection between beam and column is useful
A.                to increase stability
B.                 to reduce bending moment in beam
C.                 to increase stability and to reduce bending moment in beam
D.                to reduce bending moment in slab

57. The bending moment in beam of portal frame depends on
A.                size of beam
B.                 size of column
C.                 support condition
D.                size of beam, column and support condition

58. If the thickness of a structural member is small as compared to its length and width, it is classified as
a.                   One dimensional
b.                  Two dimensional
c.                   Three dimensional
d.                  None of these Answer: B

59. As per ISI rolled steel beam sections are classified into
a.                   Two series
b.                  Three series
c.                   Four series
d.                  Five series Answer: D

60. Rolled steel beams are designated by Indian standard series and its
a.                   Weight perimeter and depth perimeter
b.                  Depth of section and weight perimeter
c.                   Width of flange and weight perimeter
d.                  Weight perimeter and flange width.
Answer: B

61. Rolled steel tea-section are used
a.                   As columns
b.                  With flat strips to connect pates in steel rectangular tanks
c.                   As built up section to resist axial tension
d.                  None of these
Answer: B

62. With a percentage increase of carbon in steel, decrease its
a.                   Strength
b.                  Hardness
c.                   Brittleness
d.                  Ductility
 Answer: D

63. If P is the wind pressure in kg/cm2, v is the velocity in km/hour and K is a constant of proportionality, then
a.                   P =K/v2
b.                  v =K/P2
c.                   P =Kv2
d.                  P=Kv
Answer: C

64. When a load is transferred through one surface to another surface in contact, the stress is known as
a.                   Tensile stress
b.                  Compressive stress
c.                   Shearing stress
d.                  None of these
Answer: C

65. The permissible stress to which a structural member can be subjected to , is known as
a.                   Bearing stress
b.                  Working stress
c.                   Tensile stress
d.                  Compressive stress
e.                   All of the above
Answer: B

66. Factor of safety is the ratio of
a.     Yield stress to working stress
b.     Tensile stress to working stress
c.     Comprehensive stress to working stress
d.     Bearing stress to working stress
e.     Bearing stress to yield stress
67. As per IS : 800, for compression flange, the out stand of flange plates should

not exceed

a)        12 t    b)        16 t      c)        20 t      d)        25 t
            where t = thickness of thinnest flange plate

68. Intermediate vertical stiffeners in a plate girder need be provided if the depth of

web exceeds

a)        50 t    b)        85 t      c)        200 t    d)        250 t


69. Minimum spacing of vertical stiffeners is limited to

a)        d/4    b)        d/3      c)        d/2      d)        2d/3 where d is the distance between flange angles

70. The maximum spacing of vertical stiffeners is

a)   1.33 d          b)    1.25 d                  c)   1.50 d               d)    1.75 d


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